
Interlocks are a beautiful, versatile way of paving an area. They are made with many varieties of shape and colour, so they make an eye catching product. Interlock can also easily be lifted and replaced in the same, or a different area, making them useful in many situations.

Generally the colours available in interlock are solid, or a combination of: gray, charcoal, crimson and tan. These can be used to match or contrast the colours of your home.

Sizes of interlock can be small, uniform bricks, or slabs of varying sizes with the largest being about 2 feet by 2 feet. The commonly used interlock are the large slabs because there are less joints to maintain and because of the surface area; are less likely to sink. Interlocks also come in 2 thicknesses; a thin one for foot traffic and a thick one for vehicle traffic.

Quality and cost of the stone varies among the available brands and products they offer. Brands we commonly use include Oaks, Bestway Stone, and Unilock. We recommend Bestwayand Oaks for value. However for a unique, outstanding product with quality colouring – Unilock is the way to go.

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